Category: iTrack Wildlife

Complete Species List

Published on November 17, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
Complete Species List
Several folks have asked about the complete species list found in iTrack Wildlife. This list will continue to grow in time, but version 1.0 currently has the following 65 mammals: American Badger American Beaver American Bison American Black Bear American…
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Facebook Page

Published on November 15, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
Facebook Page
We've set up a Facebook page to help promote iTrack Wildlife and share news and updates. Go to: to check us out!
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Published on November 15, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
iTrack Wildlife is officially live! After nearly 3 years of work, it is now on the App Store and ready for purchase. To view it in iTunes click here. Good tracking!
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App Status

Published on November 14, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
App Status
Last Thursday, Apple changed the status of iTrack Wildlife from "Waiting for Review" to "In Review". This usually means that they will finish review very quickly. However, Friday was Veteran's Day, then it was the weekend. So, today may be…
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App submitted…

Published on November 7, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
App submitted…
I submitted version 1.0 of iTrackWildlife to Apple for review last night (Sunday Nov 6th). The review process can take from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks. I'll let you all know when it's accepted and available…
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Coming Soon…

Published on September 5, 2011 under iTrack Wildlife
Coming Soon…
Version 1.0 of iTrack Wildlife is nearly complete! We are just proof reading and doing some final debugging. This project has been a huge effort. It has taken me 2 1/2 years to get to this point and I'm really…
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